Contemplations... the wise words Of Rabbi Ariel bar Tzadok
Seeing is believing.
Is this not true?
But what if you see something
that others do not see?
What happens when
others see something
different from what you see.
Who is to be believed?
Who is it that sees
what is actual, and real?
Opinions and ideas
reside in the dimension of mind.
Opinions and ideas
are like spirits,
they are without final form.
This is why opinions and ideas
are like ghosts.
By themselves opinions and ideas
have no physical substance,
and no final form.
Like ghosts,
opinions and ideas need a body,
a voice through which to manifest.
Like spirits,
opinions and ideas never die.
Like ghosts,
opinions and ideas
always come back to haunt us.
Opinions and ideas
reside in
the realm of the potential,
not in the realm of the actual.
What happens when opinion
and perception blur?
What happens when
“I see it”
as opposed to “I believe it.”
What happens when
what is real
is only real
in the eye of the beholder?
One can entertain
almost any idea.
Ideas are potentials,
and potentials are infinite.
But is it possible
for actual reality
to be as subjective,
and as relative
as ideas and opinions.
Is not reality finite and fixed?
Is it really?
“What you see
is what you get,”
may be true.
But what happens
when what I see
is not what you get?
I get what I see,
but you get what you see,
not what I see.
Therefore, the life of one
makes no sense to another.
We are regularly haunted
by ghosts and spirits
that reside in the realm of the mind.
The ideas, beliefs and opinions
of others,
rejected as they may be,
never really go away.
They always come back some other day.
When we allow ghosts of the mind
to haunt us,
they can in turn possess us,
and instill within our unconscious minds
fears and apprehensions
that we do not understand.
This is where nightmares come from.
When light shines into darkness
shadows are dispelled,
and what was once in the dark
can now be seen clearly in the light.
As it is with physical darkness,
so too is it with the darkness of the mind.
Shining light into the mental realms of
opinions and ideas
enables one to see them
for what they truly are,
and no longer be haunted
by the ghosts of the unconscious.
Learn now a wise lesson:
Never block a punch with your chin.
Learn now another wise lesson:
Use a hammer to break a wall, not your head.
Learn yet a third wise lesson:
As mighty as you may be,
whatever your skills, and strengths,
there will always be that
which is mightier than you.
There will always be that
with more skill, and more strength.
Tit for tat
is not a wise game to play.
In the end,
there is no winner.
Why play a game
unless it is to win?
Why waste time
playing game
that you know from the beginning
can only end in a stalemate?
Where is the wisdom in this?
When life hits you in the head
like a blow with a hammer,
what can you do?
You must address the wound!
Yes, work must go on,
but when wounded,
you must draw back
and take care of business.
This too is part of life.
To avoid this contributes to death.
There are times to stand tall,
then there are times
to bend like a reed in the wind.
There is a time to strike,
and then there is a time
to avoid being struck.
The wise know the different times,
and move through life accordingly.
Do you know what time it is?
Nature's time
cannot be read on the face of a clock.
The times, they are a'changin...
but then again, the times
are always changing.
There is nothing new in this!
The wise look to life,
look to nature,
and read the time, and the season.
The wise read the times constantly,
for the times, they are always a'changin...
Know the time,
and you will know
the right right move.
in the right way.
for the right time,
and in the right amount.
This is called the dance of life.
Dancing this dance
is beautiful.
It is the secret of the ancients.
Dance in the dark,
get used to it.
When you know how
to dance in the dark,
dancing in the moon-light
will never be problem.
Let the one with wisdom
sees within my words,
the true time of “today.”
One can run very fast,
and still not get anywhere.
One can try very hard,
and still not accomplish anything.
Can it possibly be
that effort does not
lead to accomplishment?
If this is true,
then why make effort
in the first place?
Futility and frustration
are powerful enemies
that keep one down,
and away from accomplishment.
One can never really measure exactly
how much effort is needed
to accomplish a specific task.
Life dictates
that one can perform a task
with little effort,
whereas for another
far more effort must be exerted.
Yet, for a third,
no amount of effort
will bring about the desired goal.
And yet, for a fourth,
no effort at all need be exerted,
and yet, abundant accomplishment
is received.
Where's the fairness in this?
You seek fairness?
Then know this!
Our world is not built
upon the concepts of human fairness.
What we believe to be right and wrong
may be good for us,
but the universe thinks differently.
Like it or not,
we live in a universe
with a mind of its own.
And the universe
does not think in the same way,
as do we.
By human standards
our world is very unfair.
Good and bad,
right and wrong,
are human standards
that we devise
to regulate our relationships
with one another.
But our relationship with the universe
is not like our relationships
with fellow human beings.
The universe can dictate to us
realities which are beyond our control.
We cannot always control
what the universe places before us.
What we can do, however,
is recognize that indeed we are
part of this universe,
and our God-given intelligence
was given to us
specifically so that we can use it
to figure out this universe,
and learn to speak its language,
and learn to hear its melodious song.
The universe does not speak our language
but we can learn to speaks its language.
When we learn the way of the world around us,
we move to and fro in accordance to its rhythms.
When we move along with the universe,
we discover ourselves following nature's course.